Illicit Drug Markets – Complete Publications Listings

Barrat, M., Bouchard, M., Decorte, T., Asmussen Frank, V., Hakkarainen, P., Lenton, S., Malm, A., Nguyen. H., Potter, G. R. (2012). Understanding global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 12, 213-221.

Purpose: Unlike other plant‐based drugs, cannabis is increasingly grown within the country of consumption, requires minimal processing before consumption, and can be easily grown almost anywhere using indoor or outdoor cultivation techniques. Developments in agronomic technologies have led to global growth in domestic cultivation, both by cannabis users for self‐ and social‐supply, and by more commercially‐oriented...

Werb, D., Bouchard, M., Kerr, T., Montaner, J., Wood, E. (2011). Drug dealing cessation among a cohort of drug users in Vancouver, Canada. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 118, 459-463.

Drug dealing among drug users has been associated with elevated risk-taking and negative health outcomes. However, little is known about the cessation of drug dealing among this population. We assessed time to cessation of drug dealing using Cox regression. We also used generalized estimating equation (GEE) analysis and chi-square analysis to examine factors associated with...

Kalacska, M., Bouchard, M.** (2011). Using police seizure data and hyperspectral imagery to estimate the size of an outdoor cannabis industry. Police Practice, and Research: An International Journal, 12, 424-434.

** both authors had equal contributions, order of authors picked randomly In this paper, we take advantage of aerial police detection data and compare them to an analysis of airborne hyperspectral imagery to estimate the size of outdoor cannabis production in a high density cultivation area located in British Columbia, Canada. The results suggest that...

Bouchard, M., Potter, G., Decorte, T. (2011). Emerging trends in cannabis cultivation - and the way forward. Ch. 16 In T. Decorte, G. Potter, and M. Bouchard (Eds). World Wide Weed: Global Trends in Cannabis Cultivation and its Control. London: Ashgate.

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Potter, G., Bouchard, M., Decorte, T. (2011). The globalization of cannabis cultivation. Ch. 1 In T. Decorte, G. Potter, and M. Bouchard (Eds). World Wide Weed: Global Trends in Cannabis Cultivation and its Control. London: Ashgate.

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Bouchard, M., Ouellet, F. (2011). Is small beautiful? The link between risks and size in illegal drug markets. Global Crime, 12, 70-86.

A well-known finding of research on illegal markets is that drug-dealing organisations operate in risky and uncertain market and intra-organisational conditions that considerably limit their size and their survival time. Yet, little is known about the organisations or individual dealers who are more successful than others at avoiding arrest and incarceration, especially in regard to...

Gallupe, O., Bouchard, M., Caulkins, J. (2011). No change is a good change? Restrictive deterrence in illegal drug markets. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39, 81-89.

This study applies the concept of restrictive deterrence to a sample of drug market offenders. In particular, we assess the influence of behavioral changes post-arrest on time to rearrest. The sample consists of arrest data on all drug offences in South Australia from the start of 2000 to the end of 2007 (n = 26819)....

Nguyen, H. Bouchard, M. (2010). Patterns of youth participation in cannabis cultivation. Journal of Drug Issues, 39, 263-294.

The current study examines the patterns of youth participation in cannabis cultivation by developing a typology among a sample of young offenders (n=175) in a rural region of Quebec, Canada known for its extensive outdoor cultivation industry. A hierarchical cluster analysis approach is used to group participants on various dimensions: motivation, substance use, delinquency and...

Bouchard, M., Gallupe, O., & Descormiers, K. (2010). Estimation of the Size of the Illicit Methamphetamine and MDMA Markets in Canada: A Discussion Paper on Potential Methods and Data Sources (003). Public Safety Canada.

The purpose of this report is to re-examine the scientific and grey literature on current methods of estimating the size of illegal markets, with an emphasis on the meth/MDMA markets. The first part of this paper reviews the current data available from various surveys on the prevalence of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants (ATS) and MDMA use in...

Fischer, B., Bibby, M., Bouchard, M. (2010). Non-medical use and diversion of psychotropic prescription drugs in North America: A review of sourcing routes and control measures. Addiction, 105, 2062-70.

North America features some of the world's highest consumption levels for controlled psychoactive prescription drugs (PPDs; e.g. prescription opioids, benzodiazepines, stimulants), with non-medical use and related harms (e.g. morbidity, mortality) rising in key populations in recent years. While the determinants, characteristics and impacts of these 'use' problems are increasingly well documented, little is known about...

Les impacts sociaux de la culture de cannabis dans les champs d’une région rurale du Québec : entre la banalisation du phénomène et la dégradation du tissu social

Cet article dresse un portrait empirique des impacts sociaux vécus par les résidents de deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) du Québec aux prises avec le problème de la culture illicite de cannabis dans les champs environnants. L’enquête de terrain, réalisée en 2006, comportait deux volets. Le premier consistait en une démarche qualitative visant à...

Fisher, B., Bouchard, M. (2010). Commentary on Ware and St Arnaud-Trempe (2010): Nabilone abuse in Canada? Nature provides an effective prevention program. Addiction, 105, 504-505.

Link to full text on Addiction

Bouchard, M., Nguyen, H. (2010). Is it who you know, or how many that counts? Criminal networks and cost avoidance in a sample of young offenders. Justice Quarterly, 27, 130-158.

The aim of the current study is to assess whether criminal networks can help young offenders avoid contacts with the criminal justice system. We examine the association between criminal network and cost avoidance specifically for the crime of cannabis cultivation in a rural region in Quebec, Canada. A self‐report delinquency survey, administered to the region's...

Bouchard M., Dion, Claude B. (2009). Growers and facilitators : Probing the role of entrepreneurs in the development of the cannabis cultivation industry. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 22, 25-38.

Hydroponics is one the fastest rising sectors in the horticultural industry. It is, however, a contestedone. The problem with the industry is that the products sold by hydroponics entrepreneurs are not onlybeing used to grow tomatoes or cucumbers, but also potentially illegal produce, such as cannabis. In this paper, we explore the extent to which...

Bouchard, M., Alain, M., Nguyen, H. (2009). Convenient labor: The prevalence and nature of youth involvement in the marijuana cultivation industry. International Journal of Drug Policy, 20, 467-474.

The emergence of cannabis cultivation in industrialised countries may offer adolescents, especially those living in regions suitable for outdoor cultivation, new opportunities to participate in the drug trade. The current study examines the prevalence and the nature of youth involvement in cannabis cultivation in an important agricultural region of Quebec, Canada. A self-report delinquency survey...

Bouchard, M. (2008). Towards a realistic method to estimate the size of cannabis cultivation industry in developed countries. Contemporary Drug Problems, 35, 291-320.

Among the many difficulties with estimating the size of the cannabis industry is that suitable methodologies for estimating large-scale outdoor illegal drug production in developing countries cannot be used to estimate indoor production in industrialized countries. This article proposes a new approach that overcomes some of these difficulties. The case study is a mature cannabis...

Bouchard, M. (2008). Editorial: Measurement issues in drug policy analysis. Bulletin on Narcotic Drugs, issue LX, Vol. 1: 1-4.

Link to full text on Bulletin on Narcotic Drugs

Bouchard, M. (2007). A capture-recapture model to estimate the size of criminal populations and the risks of detection in a marijuana cultivation industry. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 23, 221-241.

Originally developed in biology, capture-recapture methodologies have increasingly been integrated into the study of human populations to provide estimates of the size of “hidden populations.” This paper explores the validity of one capture-recapture model—Zelterman’s (1988) truncated Poisson estimator—used to estimate the size of the marijuana cultivation industry in Quebec, Canada. The capture–recapture analysis draws on...

Bouchard, M. (2007). On the Resilience of Illegal Drug Markets. Global Crime, 8, 325-344.

This paper argues that the concept of resilience is a fruitful way of understanding the impact of repressive policies on illegal drug markets. For the purpose of this article, resilience is defined as the ability of market participants to preserve the existing levels of exchanges between buyers and sellers, despite external pressure aimed at disrupting...

Bouchard, M., Tremblay, P. (2005). Risks of Arrest Across Drug Markets: A Capture-Recapture Analysis of “Hidden” Dealer and User Populations, Journal of Drug Issues, 34(4), 733-54.

Capture-recapture methodologies have been used to estimate the size of the hidden population of active offenders on the basis of the observed properties of the truncated distribution of arrested offenders. We use this approach to estimate the odds of arrest of marijuana, cocaine, crack, and heroin dealers and users in one Canadian province (Quebec). Findings...