Gallupe, O., Bouchard, M., Caulkins, J. (2011). No change is a good change? Restrictive deterrence in illegal drug markets. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39, 81-89.

This study applies the concept of restrictive deterrence to a sample of drug market offenders. In particular, we assess the influence of behavioral changes post-arrest on time to rearrest. The sample consists of arrest data on all drug offences in South Australia from the start of 2000 to the end of 2007 (n = 26819)….

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Westlake, B., Bouchard, M., Frank, R. (2011). Finding the key players in online child exploitation networks. Policy and Internet, 3(6), 1-32.

The growth of the Internet has been paralleled with a similar growth in online child exploitation. Since completely shutting down child exploitation websites is difficult (or arguably impossible), the goal must be to find the most efficient way of identifying the key targets and then to apprehend them. Traditionally, online investigations have been manual and…

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Joffres, K., Bouchard, M., Frank, R., Westlake, B. (2011). Strategies to disrupt online child exploitation networks. Proceedings of the EISIC – European Intelligence and Security Informatics, Athens, September 2011, pp. 163-170.

This paper seeks to determine which attack strategies (hub, bridge, or fragmentation) are most effective at disrupting two online child pornography networks in terms of outcome measures that include density, clustering, compactness, and average path length. For this purpose, two networks were extracted using a web-crawler that recursively follows child exploitation sites. It was found…

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Nguyen, H. Bouchard, M. (2010). Patterns of youth participation in cannabis cultivation. Journal of Drug Issues, 39, 263-294.

The current study examines the patterns of youth participation in cannabis cultivation by developing a typology among a sample of young offenders (n=175) in a rural region of Quebec, Canada known for its extensive outdoor cultivation industry. A hierarchical cluster analysis approach is used to group participants on various dimensions: motivation, substance use, delinquency and…

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Fischer, B., Bibby, M., Bouchard, M. (2010). Non-medical use and diversion of psychotropic prescription drugs in North America: A review of sourcing routes and control measures. Addiction, 105, 2062-70.

North America features some of the world’s highest consumption levels for controlled psychoactive prescription drugs (PPDs; e.g. prescription opioids, benzodiazepines, stimulants), with non-medical use and related harms (e.g. morbidity, mortality) rising in key populations in recent years. While the determinants, characteristics and impacts of these ‘use’ problems are increasingly well documented, little is known about…

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Beauregard, E., Bouchard, M. (2010). Cleaning up your act: Forensic awareness as a detection avoidance strategy. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 1160-1166.

Although rational choice researchers has investigated how offenders successfully commit certain crimes, there is a lack of research looking at the factors explaining the use – or not – of certain detection avoidance strategies. This study introduces the concept of “forensic awareness” as a detection avoidance strategy, and proposes to examine the effect of disinhibitors,…

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Les impacts sociaux de la culture de cannabis dans les champs d’une région rurale du Québec : entre la banalisation du phénomène et la dégradation du tissu social

Cet article dresse un portrait empirique des impacts sociaux vécus par les résidents de deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) du Québec aux prises avec le problème de la culture illicite de cannabis dans les champs environnants. L’enquête de terrain, réalisée en 2006, comportait deux volets. Le premier consistait en une démarche qualitative visant à…

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Frank, R., Westlake, B., Bouchard, M. (2010). The structure and content of online child exploitation networks. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-KDD 2010).

The emergence of the Internet has provided people with the ability to find and communicate with others of common interests. Unfortunately, those involved in the practices of child exploitation have also received the same benefits. Although law enforcement continues its efforts to shut down websites dedicated to child exploitation, the problem remains uncurbed. Despite this,…

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Bouchard, M., Nguyen, H. (2010). Is it who you know, or how many that counts? Criminal networks and cost avoidance in a sample of young offenders. Justice Quarterly, 27, 130-158.

The aim of the current study is to assess whether criminal networks can help young offenders avoid contacts with the criminal justice system. We examine the association between criminal network and cost avoidance specifically for the crime of cannabis cultivation in a rural region in Quebec, Canada. A self‐report delinquency survey, administered to the region’s…

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