McCuish, E. C., Bouchard, M., & Corrado, R. (2015). The search for suitable homicide co-offenders among gang members. Journal of contemporary criminal justice, 31(3), 319-336.

Little is known about homicide co-offending networks at the individual gang member level. Of particular interest is whether and to what degree gang members who are selected to participate in murder are different from those who are not. The current study constructed the co-offense network of 18 participants from the Incarcerated Serious and Violent Young…

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Bouchard, M. (2014). Outils et méthodes pour la construction et l’analyse des réseaux illicites sur Internet. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, 67, 317-337.

On sait maintenant que l’arrivée du Web a complètement changé la donne en ce qui concerne l’exploitation des jeunes à des fins sexuelles, alors que pédophiles et autres amateurs de pornographie juvénile profitent désormais de la toile pour consommer, distribuer, échanger du matériel. Ils profitent également de ces réseaux virtuels pour «socialiser» avec d’autres qui…

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Athey, N., Bouchard, M., Decorte, T., Frank, V., Hakkarainen, P. (2013). Cannabis Cultivation and Detection: A Comparative Study of Belgium, Finland, and Denmark. Drugs: Education, Prevention, Policy, 20, 203-215.

Research on cannabis cultivation has identified several factors associated with a grower’s likelihood of detection by law enforcement. However, these studies are difficult to compare, as they drew from different data sources and methods, and have focused on only one geographical location. This article revisits the issue of detection using a large sample of cannabis…

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Athey, N., Bouchard, M. (2013). The BALCO scandal: The social structure of a steroid distribution network. Global Crime, 14, 217-237.

The current study revisits the notorious Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO) scandal involving the production and distribution of an undetectable anabolic-androgenic steroid to professional athletes from late 1990s until 2003. Multiple sources are reviewed to re-create the social structure of BALCO and examine whether it formed a close-knit community or instead multiple communities defined around…

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Nguyen, H., Bouchard, M. (2013). Need, connections, or competence? Criminal achievement among adolescent offenders. Justice Quarterly, 30, 44-83.

Variations in criminal performance have been much less explored than other parameters of criminal careers. We explore the factors associated with differential criminal achievement in a sample of 154 adolescent offenders involved in cannabis cultivation. Drawing from theories of earnings attainment, we examine the role of drug use, criminal social capital and criminal human capital…

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Bouchard, M., Beauregard, E., Kalacska, M. (2013). Journey to grow: Linking process to outcome in target site selection for cannabis cultivation. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 50, 33-52.

The objective of this study was to test whether there is a relationship between characteristics of the journey to an outdoor cannabis cultivation site and the total number of plants grown. Spatial data on the location of a sample of 132 cultivation sites derived from aerial detection policing efforts is used. TwoStep cluster analysis is…

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Gallupe, O., Bouchard, M. (2013). Adolescent parties and substance use: A situational approach to peer influence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41, 162-171.

This study takes a situational approach to testing criminogenic peer influence effects on substance use by examining audience characteristics at the last two parties that adolescents attended. We examine the applicability of situational approaches to social learning theory and symbolic interactionist perspectives on criminogenic peer group effects.We found that higher levels of substance use are…

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Gravel, J., Bouchard, M., Descormiers, K., Wong, J., Morselli, C. (2013). Keeping promises: Logic models, and the design of a new classification of gang control strategies. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41, 228-242.

We argue that inadequate frameworks to compare similar gang control strategies, and the scarcity of well-designed evaluations have hindered our ability to determine the effectiveness of existing programs. This article proposes a new typology of gang control strategies to use with logic models as tools to improve gang program evaluation. Link to full text on…

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